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    有一部是讲威尼斯女诗人,政绩veronica franco的影片叫红颜祸水。(the Honest courtsan.) 里头最后面有一段很棒的独白! I will confess, Your Grace. 我认罪,法官大人 法官: That will please God.Proceed. 上帝会宽恕你的。开始吧。 I confess...as a girl I loved a man who would not marry me for want of a dowry. 我承认,当我还是一个女孩时,我爱上了一个男人,但他不会娶一个没有嫁妆的女孩。 I confess I had a mother who taught me a different way of life. 我承认,我有一个母亲,他教会我另一种生存方式 One I resisted at first but learned to embrace. 一种我开始反对,但最终学会接受的方式。 I confess I became a courtesan. 我承认我成为了一个政妓。 Traded yearning for power, welcomed many rather than be owned by one. 用欲望去换取势力,我愿接受众多,与其被一人拥有。 I confess I embraced a whore's freedom over a wife's obedience. 我承认我拥护一个妓女的自由多余一个妻子的尊顺。 法官:This is not repentance. 你这不是在忏悔! What am I to do? 那我应该怎么做? I must confess my evil. These are my sins. 我必须承认我所有的邪恶。这些都是我的罪. 修道士:She must repent witchcraft. 她必须为她的巫术忏悔 国王:I see no harm in hearing her. She will save or damn herself. 我不认为听听她“悔过”会有什么问题! 她将拯救或诋毁她自己,这是他的选择。 法官:The prisoner has already damned herself,But if it pleases the esteemed doge of Venice...she may continue her heresy. 犯人已经在诋毁自己了。但如果威尼斯的国王愿意听,她可以继续。 I confess I find more ecstasy in passion than in prayer. 我承认,我在激情比在祷告中找到了更多的喜悦。 I confess... 我承认 I confess I pray still......to feel the touch of my lover's lips... ...his hands upon me... ...his arms enfolding me. 我承认,我仍然祈祷着我能再一次感受我爱人的唇,他手掌的安抚,他拥抱着我的臂膀。 Such surrender has been mine. 我仍为之屈服。 I confess I hunger still to be filled and inflamed. 我承认,我的饥渴仍向往着被倾注被燃烧! To melt into the dream of us......beyond this troubled place... 在我们的梦中被融化,离开这个迷乱的地方。。。 ...to where we are not even ourselves. 去到一个我们已不再是自己的地方。。。 To know that always... 知道那里 ...always this is mine. 那里将永远属于我。 If this had not been mine, if I had lived another way... 如果我为曾拥有过这些,我曾以


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